
Thursday, February 05, 2004

Pentru cititori: nu va speriati, n-am luat-o razna! Doar ca astrologia e o mare pasiune de-a mea. Incitata de niste mesaje pe liste romanesti de discutii pe aceasta tema, m-am dus si eu pe Conjunction, o lista internationala, unde toata lumea vorbeste in acelasi timp despre zeci de subiecte! Am renuntat dupa doua saptamani, dar din fuga am prins o gramada de referinte spre site-uri si publicatii pe care am vrut sa le pastrez! Si le-am pus in blog, unde altundeva?
Sper ca macar unii dintre prietenii mei sa poata profita de ele!

Astrologie si istorie
Astrograma draconica - de ce i-o fi zicand asa? nu pare nimic in neregula!

This is 'The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature' at the Oriental Institute of Oxford
University. It has over 400 English translations of Sumerian texts from the 3rd
and 2nd millenia BC.

The Internet Classics Archive. 441
searchable texts. Mostly Greco-Roman, some Chinese and Persian.

John Frawley wrote this one down for me last weekend (excuse my name dropping!) and it is a gold mine. It has William Lilly's 'Christian Astrology' and works by Dariot, Bonatus and
Gadbury. All copyright free. Initially I had a little difficulty getting
to the site, but putting 'William Lilly' in the Tripod member's pages
search window got me there with no problems.

The Internet Ancient History Sourcebook. More original texts. From here you can also hop
over to its companion site, 'The Internet Medieval Sourcebook'.

The 'Internet Sacred Text Archive'. Another really amazing site which contains the sacred texts of every religion and culture as well as Alchemical and Esoteric texts and

Gabriela 1:25 PM
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